Find out what MinTech is doing to Challenge the Status Quo
A FLORIDA, COAL-FIRED POWER PLANTINCREASES ELECTRICITY GENERATION 342%MinTech’s Flowtrol 195 inhibited wet, sticky PRB coal from plugging up the bunker prior to the pulverizer, promoting coal flow to the unit boosting plant production from 95 MW (23% of capacity) to full-load at 420 MW.
77 MONTHS330,681 RAIL CARSAND OVER 39,000,000 TONS OF COALSince November 2009, MinTech has delivered uninterrupted, in-transit dust control solutions throughout the Powder River Basin at the lowest approved application rate as an acceptable cartopper agent in the coal handling market.
INTRODUCINGCOALTROL™ COMPLETESolve material handling and storage challenges of lower rank coals by eradicating spontaneous combustion, preventing coal from freezing, and controlling dust with an all-in-one solution answers the industry's need for complete coal management.
Our commitment to human health and a better environment
MEET NEW CCR RULE REQUIREMENTSWITH MINTECHNo one wants another devastating fly ash spill, which is why utility service providers can look to MinTech’s expertise to develop and implement a turn-key fugitive dust control and ash pond sealing plan. MinTech offers customizable, environmentally safe, and affordable solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of any plant to comply with the new CCR rule and prevent any PM10 and PM2.5 emission.